Understanding of the Role the Immune System Plays in Vitiligo


Identifying Immune Cells in Vitiligo to Determine Best Treatment Approach
A research trial at Henry Ford Hospital seeks to gain a greater understanding of the role the immune system plays in vitiligo, and how that could determine the best treatment approach. This study includes one visit to the clinic where your blood sample will be taken.Study Location: Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI

vitiligo cover lotion owner nathalie pelletierPrinciple Investigator: Qing-Sheng Mi, MD, PhD

You will be compensated for your time and receive free parking.

You may be eligible if you are a patient with vitiligo and are:

  • Over the age of 18
  • Have not had ultraviolet light treatment in the past 1 month

If you are interested in participating or would like more information:

Call: (313) 916-6964 or Email:pisedeh1@hfhs.org

Source: http://vitiligosupport.org/newsletters/fall2013/fall.html

Originally Oct.6,2013

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